Rabia Karakoyun Gundogdu
Rabia Karakoyun Gundogdu was born in Turkey. She graduated from Gazi University College of Theology and received her Masters in Islamic Philosophy from Marmara University, both in Turkey. In 2010, she started studying the Turkish traditional art of marbling with master artist Firdevs Çalkanoğlu, receiving her license to teach in 2015. Rabia Karakoyun Gundogdu has exhibited her artwork internationally and she received a second place prize in an International Traditional Art Competition in 2014. Since 2015, she has been employed by the Turkish Consulate General’s Attaché for Social and Religious Affairs in New York. She also continues to to teach marbling at New Jersey United Islamic Center.
Inquiries for purchasing artwork can be made directly to rabia2310@hotmail.com.